‘WALK Like A Penguin’ During Cold Snap Plea

7 January, 2022 | Noticeboard

NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde (NHSGGC) is urging the public to walk like penguins to help avoid slips and trips in the snow and ice this weekend.

Health staff say adopting a penguin walk is a safer way to get about in the cold weather as it helps people keep more stable and minimises the risk of losing balance or slipping on ice.

The call comes as accident and emergency (A&E) units face unprecedented pressure this winter because of covid-19 and other factors which means they are operating at well over normal capacity.

Top tips to walk like a penguin:

— Bend slightly and keep your knees loose

— Point your feet out slightly

— Extend your arms at your sides

— Walk flat-footed, taking short steps

— Keep your centre of gravity over your feet

In the event of a slip, trip or fall which requires medical attention, but is not very urgent or life-threatening, the health board is advising the public not to go straight to A&E but instead to phone 111 for advice.

Linda de Caestecker, director for public health at NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, said:

“During winter months, the most common accidents that result in injury are slips, trips and falls. While most result in only minor bumps and bruises, thousands of people are admitted to hospitals each year with related injuries.

“While it might seem silly to walk or waddle like a penguin, in the context of the wintry weather we’re seeing today, penguins know best. If you find yourself out and about in icy conditions, adopting the penguin stance is a really effective way to move without falling.”

“During this time we should also make sure we’re supporting our elderly family members and neighbours by making journeys on their behalf to avoid them having to go out in icy conditions.”

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